Mandala Weaving
Ojo de Dios ~ Eye of God
Ojo de Dios is a weaving meditation mandala, à sacred art object many Native American People's make them.
Used for protection and purification and as portals between the spiritual and material worlds.
Ojo de Dios weaving is a craft that involves weaving a colorful design from yarn onto a cross-shaped stick. The name translates to "Eye of God" in Spanish. The Huichol people of Mexico originally created the craft as a spiritual tool for protection and prayer. The Huichol called their God's Eyes Tsikuri, which means "the power to see and understand things unknown".
All mandala ojo de dios' handmade by myself 2015 - 2016
Mandala Weaving Tutorial
How to make a 4 pointed God's Eye tutorial video below.
Craft and Edited by Jester L W
Filmed by Dragon L W age 11